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一呼百应推广 一呼百应推广





公司名称: 喜盈门五金

主营产品: 中空推拉门滑轮  地轮  长条轮  不锈钢钢轨  吊趟门吊轮  中空推拉门上轮  铝角码  组角片 

企业成立: 2010-05-08 员工规模: 50 - 100人

联系qq:   联系销售     联系采购

   深圳市南山区百吉旺滑轮厂是生产中空推拉门滑轮、滑轮等产品专业生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。 品牌目标:以中国*的铝型材基地——佛山为支点,加速推拉门的发展。让百吉旺成为推拉门发展的有力推手! 品牌定位:高端品质,中等价格,专业服务! 纵观推拉门整个结构中,最重要的部位就轮滑得顺畅,静音,这些都需要使用优质的滑轮才能办得到。所以百吉旺专注做滑轮,专注做*的滑轮。所以,百吉旺从技术研发、图纸设计、模具制造、原料采购、产品检测都严格把控,确保产品制造的各个环节都能通过公司的严格检测标准 。 公司遵循客户至上的经营理念,可为客户提供完善的售前、售中、售后服务,并可根据客户需要,提供个性化定制产品。公司不仅仅提供让客户、消费者满意的360度服务,更倾力打造让客户惊喜的361度超值服务。 深圳市南山区百吉旺滑轮厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。

    Shenzhen nanshan district hundred JiWang pulley factory is the production of hollow sliding door pulley, the pulley and other products professional production and processing company, with complete and scientific quality management system. Brand goal: with China's largest aluminum base - foshan for the fulcrum, accelerate the development of the sliding door. Let JiWang become powerful driving force of the development of the sliding door! Brand *itioning: high-end quality, moderate price, professional service! Throughout the entire structure sliding door, roller skating is very smooth, the most important part of the mute, all you need to use the high quality of pulley can do it. So best JiWang conce*ation do pulley, do the best pulley. So the best JiWang from technology research and development, design, mould making, raw material procurement, product testing are strict co*ol, ensure that all aspects of product manufacturing can pass strict testing standards of the company. Companies follow the customer first business philosophy, to provide customers with perfect pre-sale, sale, after-sales service, and can according to customer needs, provide personalized custom products. Company not only provides for customer service, customer satisfaction, 360 degrees, more passionate, create let clients surprise 361 degrees of premium services. Shenzhen nanshan district best JiWang pulley factory integrity, strength and product quality obtain industry acceptance. Welcome friends from all walks of life come to visit, guidance and business negotiation.



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